Here, at long, long last, are the photos we took on our grand tour of the USA. You might notice that there are no pictures of any famous sights or monuments… that’s because we didn’t see any. This wasn’t that kind of road trip – it was the other kind… The kind where one of us had to drive thousands of miles through desert, through swamps, and through some of the most terrifying and confusing road systems known to mankind. That was Roo’s job. I was in charge of the radio…
Note: Work In Process! I'm adding more photos as fast as I can - check back later if you want to see more!
An amazing rainbow display at The Last Bookstore in LA
A tunnel of books in The Last Bookstore
The glittering lights of the Vegas Strip. Or part of it, anyway.
The Fremont Street Experience in Vegas was an experience alright! Check out that screen!
The casino's main gaming floor was one gigantic assault on the senses.
It's not everyday you get to see a giant, steel, fire-breathing Praying Mantis! And even less often that one commands you to take selfies!
In the desert outside Vegas, no-one can hear you scream...
The Seven Magic Mountains are basically just a stack of rocks. Still cool though, and weird as hell. The big ones are like 5 stories tall! How did they do that?
Our motel in Death Valley looked would make a great setting for a post apocalyptic zombie flick!
Inside the Death Valley Motel was stranger than outside.
There's a reason they put these warning signs up. It's to give you something to chuckle about after you get hopelessly lost on the wrong side of one.
This Badwater Basin sign is clearly missing a decimal point somewhere...
I had to know if the Salt Flats were really salty. They were! And surprisingly sharp, too.
The infamous Hidden Caves of Simi Valley! Adorned with artwork by the locals, of course.
Poor Dave looks exhausted! I had to make a mental note not to let any of my readers kill themselves on an impromptu adventure...